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Metal Rain screen roof


Joints between metal panels are left open so that only a small amount of water passes through it. Rainwater drained away in the cavity behind, the rear face of the cavity being sealed, typically with a single layer membrane on an insulated, lightweight, backing wall. Rain screen protects the waterproof layer beneath from UV. These panels allow traditional roof elements which are visually dominant such as gutters, parapets and ridges to be accommodated within a smooth continuous finish. 


Bolt fixed glazing


Construction tolerances between supporting structure and glass panels are accommodated between the glass and the bolt fixing, between the bolt fixing and the support bracket and between the support bracket and and the supporting glass fin. Glass units and fins are clamped at the base of the floor slab. This system achieves maximum transparency, essential for my scheme as it is a visitors centre.



Cavity wall and steel frame


Brick cavity walls have the advantage of providing a cavity within the depth of a wall for drainage or rainwater before it is allowed to be absorbed too far into the the wall construction. The wall uses two skins of brick work separated by a ventilated air gap. Thermal insulation is set on the external face of the inner skin, between the steel frame in order to keep the building structure insulated. A Weatherproof membrane is along side the insulation to to allow water in the cavity to drain out. The building is entirely a steel frame structure, and the cavity wall is used to clad the inner and outer sides of the wall. This will thicken the wall to 410 mm which creates deep openings for windows, resembling traditional victorian factories. 


Composite floor : Steel deck and concrete


Composite construction highly efficient and lightweight design. The concrete is polished for a smooth finish reducing distraction from the brewery below.

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Construction details

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